In rehabilitation, the horse’s body must be looked at as a whole unit because every structure is connected to each other, through the entire musculoskeletal system, from the bones, tendons, ligament and fascia through to the cardiovascular system and also digestive system. If something has impacted on one part of the horse, for instance the horse has received a tendon injury then the whole horse will be affected, his posture will alter, there maybe compensatory gait patterns and therefore increased loading on other structures, there may be muscular tension in other areas of the body as the horse takes load of the affected injured tendon. There maybe tension within the back and neck, it really can affect all other areas of the horse’s body. There may have been some digestive imbalances to through injury also and increased cardiovascular output due to pain. Behaviour and demeanour changes may have also been affected, through the stress of an injury.
So, when we look at treating of the horse in rehabilitation then we must apply a carefully and well-balanced thought-out programme of exercises that will not only help to repair the injured area but also supports the functions of the rest of the horse’s body and that do not apply anymore strain on the injured or weaker areas of the body.
When I come to treat your horse I’m not just coming to address any areas of tension or soreness and leave as this is not going to be supportive, or effective long term. I look at your horse as a whole and identify areas that maybe long and weak and or short and tight, his posture, conformation, demeanour, behaviour, muscle development, I analyse the way they move and their range of movement, environmental factors, and much more. From this then I can give you a programme of exercises, if carried out correctly and consistently, will give your horse many benefits such as improve their:
• Balance
• Stability
• Proprioception
• Flexibility and suppleness
• Joint range of movement
• Behaviour
And the most important of all it will reduce the risk of injury!
Looking at the horse as a whole is so important and creating a programme of exercises that will avoid further injury, enhance his strength, stamina, fitness, suppleness, flexibility, these will all then enable the horse to become the best version of himself and live a comfortable pain free and healthy life.
Treatments are not only used when the horse is having problems, it is also extremely beneficial to have regular maintenance treatments to maintain health and performance, this will not only help to keep them in their best possible condition but will also give me a good understanding of your horses physical condition and so be able to monitor any patterns of soreness and catch any potential problems early before they become too serious!
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